2005 – C1 House – Nicolas Gwenael + Tomoyuki Utsumi

The basic architectural idea is a glass box surrounded by a walkway-gallery that connects the floor. The design is not defined by the wall and floor but by the movement of the user within the space, defined by a series of scenes. How the user will appear and disappear from floor to floor. To realise the seamless movement, the cooperate architec, Tomoyuki Utsumi proposed to use 25mm steel slabs as floor and finally the thickness finally comes to only 60mm when added to the flooring material. This is equivalent to a line in the architectural scale.

As the walkway surrounds the house, the interior should be designed in 3 dimensions, visble from floor level to ceiling level the top of a table is as visible as the buttom, a real 3d interior, and a very difficult challenge. using 3d animations the sequences of the interior were check from all angles.

Name: C1 House│Type: Officel│Architect: Nicolas Gwenael + Tomoyuki Utsumi│Completed: 2005
