2009 – AO Aoyama Building – Nihon Sekkei

The AO building is a high-rise building of 90 meters with shops and offices. Splendidly curved sky scrapers in Aoyama, just between Omotesando and Shibuya. It is a commercial rental complex with restaurants, retail and service shops. The site sits astride different zoning areas with medium scale commercial buildings lining Aoyama-dori on the south while facing low rise residential units and small shops creating pedestrian scale streets on the north.

The financial viability was paramount for the project, resulting in an unique configuration enlarging the podium and upper floors while reducing the middle floors. the distinctive profile has created anew vista in harmony with the existing townscape. The wedge shaped tower affords great views over Tokyo, while the step garden on the podium is a relaxing oasis of green and water objects and togather creating an  urban setting.

Name: AO Aoyama Building│Type: Office / Commercial│Architect: Nihon Sekkei│Completed: 2009


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